Password is: realtime

By downloading this package you accept that it is a work in progress, and agree that it will not be shown for any commercial purpose to anyone outside of BT, Protogen or Onque.

Download the installation file for Microsoft Windows here [ 222 MB ] - updated 27/10/2013

Please note that the video above was generated from the latest version of the gaming engine we work with, and that as yet, it is not possible to create an install file for environments built within it. We have been advised this will be available in the next update. The installer provided is from the current fully functional Unreal Engine 3, and from this you may observe a slight downgrade in visual quality.


Please download the installer from the above-mentioned location to your computer's desktop.

Ensure that your computer has administration privileges

Double click on the installer and install to your computer.

Once finished, the installer will give you an option to open the environment.

More detailed (visual) instructions can be found here 

To run the environment a second time...

Click on the start menu, or press the windows key on your keyboard and start typing btShowCase, you will find it quickly that way. We are researching a modification that will create a shortcut on the desktop automatically, however as yet it is unavailable.

Note that the application's default installation directory is C:\UDK\btShowCase\

Within the Environment:

Firstly, a standard computer mouse will help control head movement.

To move around, use the W A S D keys on your keyboard, and the mouse controls your virtual character's head. If you have a games controller, such as an XBox controller, this will work fine too.

If you want to see the cursor on the screen, right mouse button shows and hides the cursor.

To close the app, press the tild TAB key to bring up the console and type "quit" and press return.

To move without gravity, right click on your mouse, then click on the bird in the top right of the window. Clicking it again will return you to walk mode. (NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS DEMO)

The two buttons in the bottom right of the window are for some extra navigation. The camera button provides a list of available architectural fly throughs, whilst the sign post provides a list of drop-in points around the model.  (NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS DEMO)


Please use the standard windows uninstall programs dialogue in your computer's control panel.